Class: DuForm


For use with DuScriptUI.
A Form.
This is not a real class, and cannot be instanciated.
Use DuScriptUI.form to create a Form.
The DuForm inherits the Group object from ScriptUI and has all of its properties and methods.

new DuForm()

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 11324
Name Type Description
labels Group The left vertical group
buttons Group The right vertical group


staticDuForm.addField(label, type, value, helpTip){Array.<ScriptUI>}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 11336
Adds a field to the form example: form.addField('Composition:','dropdownlist',['Composition1','Composition2'],'Select a composition')
Name Type Description
label string The label text.
type string The type of ScriptUI object to add (like 'button','edittext', etc.).
value object optional The default value or content of the field added, depends on the type.
helpTip string optional The helpTip of the form control.
Type Description
Array.<ScriptUI> An array with at 0 the StaticText label, and at 1 the ScriptUI object of the type type, added to the form