Namespace: DuScriptUI


Methods related to ScriptUI



The default alignment of children of containers with "column" orientation
Default Value:
  • ["fill","top"]


The default margins of containers
Default Value:
  • 2


The default alignment of children of containers with "row" orientation
Default Value:
  • ["left","center"]


The default spacing of containers
Default Value:
  • 2


The default alignment of children of containers with "stack" orientation
Default Value:
  • ["fill","top"]


The list of available icons.
Name Type Default Description
AE_BLUE DuBinary w8_ae_blue
AE_ORANGE DuBinary w8_ae_orange
BACK DuBinary w12_back
BOX_CHECKED DuBinary w12_box_checked
BOX_UNCHECKED DuBinary w12_box_unchecked
BUG DuBinary w16_bug
BUG_REPORT DuBinary w12_bugreport
CHECK DuBinary w12_check
CLOSE DuBinary w12_close
DOWNLOAD DuBinary w16_download
EXPERT DuBinary w16_expert
EYE_DROPPER DuBinary w12_eye_dropper
EYE_DROPPER_BIG DuBinary w16_eye_dropper
FEATURE DuBinary w12_feature
FILE DuBinary w12_file
FOLDER DuBinary w12_folder
GO_TO DuBinary w12_goto
HEART DuBinary w12_heart
HELP DuBinary w12_help
LANGUAGE DuBinary w16_language
LANGUAGE_FILE DuBinary w16_language_file
LIST DuBinary w16_list
MENU DuBinary w12_menu
MORE DuBinary w12_more
NEXT DuBinary w12_next
OPTIONS DuBinary w12_options
PIN DuBinary w12_pin
PINNED DuBinary w12_pinned
PLACEHOLDER DuBinary w16_placeholder
PROGRESS DuBinary w320_progress
RAINBOX_RED DuBinary w8_rx_red
RANDOM DuBinary w16_random
RESET DuBinary w12_reset
ROOKIE DuBinary w16_rookie
RX_PURPLE DuBinary w8_rx_purple
SETTINGS DuBinary w12_settings
SETTINGS_FILE DuBinary w16_settings_file
STANDARD DuBinary w16_standard
UPDATE DuBinary w12_update
USER DuBinary w16_user


Show this progress bar before long operations with and DuESF will update it.


The list of strings used by the UI.
Name Type Default Description
ABOVE string Above
AE_BLUE string After Effects Blue
AE_BLUE_TIP string The After Effects highlighting blue
AE_ORANGE string After Effects Orange (CS6)
AE_ORANGE_TIP string The After Effects highlighting orange from good ol'CS6
APPLY string Apply
APPLY_ALL string Apply all
APPLY_SETTINGS string Apply changes to the settings.
APPLY_SETTINGS_ALERT string You may need to restart the script for all changes to take effect.
ARM string Arm
ARTHROPOD string Arthropod
BIRD string Bird
BODY string Body
BONE string Bone
BUG_REPORT string Bug report
BUG_REPORT_TIP string Bug report Tell us what's wrong!
CAMERA string Camera
CANCEL string Cancel
CALF string Calf
CHARACTER string Character
CHECK_UPDATE string Check for updates
CIRCLE string Circle
CLAWS string Claws
CLOSE string Close
COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TIP string Set the highlight color.
COPY string Copy
CUSTOM string Custom
CUSTOM_COLOR_TIP string Select a custom color.
CLOSE_SETTINGS string Close settings
DEFAULT string Default
DEV_MODE string Dev and Debug mode
DEV_MODE_TIP string Use at your own risk!
DIGITIGRADE string Digitigrade
EAR string Ear
EDIT string Edit
EDIT_SETTINGS string Edit settings
EFFECTS string Effects
EXPERT string Expert
EXPERT_UI_TIP string The smallest UI, for expert users.
EXPORT_TRANSLATION string Export translation file
EXPORT_TRANSLATION_TIP string Export a translation file to be edited with DuTranslator.
EYE string Eye
EYES string Eyes
EYEBROW string Eye
FEATHER string Feather
FEATHERS string Feathers
FEATURE_REQUEST string Feature request
FEATURE_REQUEST_TIP string Feature request Request something new.
FIN string Fin
FINGERS string Fingers
FISH string Fish
FISHBONE string Fishbone
FISHBONES string Fishbones
FISH_SPINE string Fish spine
FOOT string Foot
FOREARM string Forearm
FRONT string Front
FRONT_LEG string Front leg
GROUPS string Groups
HAIR string Hair
HAND string Hand
HEAD string Head
HEEL string Heel
HELP string Help
HELP_TIP string Get help.
HIPS string Hips
HOMINOID string Hominoid
HOOF string Hoof
INVERT string Invert
INVERTED string Inverted
ISOLATE string Isolate
LANGUAGE_TIP string Set the language of the interface.
LAYER string Layer
LAYERS string Layers
LEFT string Left
LEG string Leg
LIMB string Limb
MAGIC string Magic is happening
MASKS string Masks
MIDDLE string Middle
MORE_OPTIONS_TIP string [Shift]: More options...
MOUTH string Mouth
NAME string Name
NECK string Neck
NEXT string Next
NONE string None
NORMAL_MODE string Normal mode
NOSE string Normal mode
NULL_OBJECT string Null
OK string OK
OPACITY string Opacity
ORIGINAL string Original
PATH string Path
PAW string Paw
PENIS string Penis
PINCER string Pincer
PLANTIGRADE string Plantigrade
PREVIOUS string Previous
POLYGON string Polygon
POSITION string Position
PROPERTIES string Properties
RANDOM_TIP string Set a random value.
RECTANGLE string Rectangle
RESET_SETTINGS string Reset the settings to their default values.
RIGHT string Right
ROOKIE string Rookie
ROOKIE_UI_TIP string The easiest-to-use mode, but also the biggest UI.
ROTATION string Rotation
ROUNDED_RECTANGLE string Rounded rectangle
RX_PURPLE string RxLab Purple
RX_PURPLE_TIP string The RxLaboratory Purple
RX_RED string Rainbox Red
RX_RED_TIP string The Rainbox Productions Red
SCALE string Scale
SELECT_LAYERS string Select layers
SELECT_GROUPS string Select groups
SET_QUALITY string Set quality
SETTINGS string Settings
SETTINGS_FILE string Settings file
SETTINGS_FILE_TIP string Set the location of the settings file.
SHOULDER string Shoulder
SHOULDERS string Shoulders
SHOULDERS_AND_NECK string Shoulders & neck
SIDE string Side
SIZE string Size
SNAKE string Snake
SPINE string Spine
STANDARD string Standard
STANDARD_UI_TIP string The standard not-too-big UI.
TAIL string Tail
TAIL_SHORT string Tl
THIGH string Thigh
TIMELINE string Timeline
TIP_BONE string Tip
TRANSFORM string Transform
TOES string Toes
TYPE string Type
UI_MODE_TIP string Select the UI mode.
UNDER string Under
UNGULATE string Ungulate
VULVA string Vulva
WING string Wing
WORKING string Working...
X_POSITION string X Position
Y_POSITION string Y Position


staticDuScriptUI.addBugButton(container, showLabel){DuButton}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 9393
Creates a button opening the bug report url.
Name Type Default Description
container Panel | Window | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the button.
showLabel bool false optional When true, the button includes a "Bug Report" label.
Type Description
DuButton The bug button created.

staticDuScriptUI.addDonateButton(container, showLabel){DuButton}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 9491
Creates a button opening the link for like/follow/donation
Name Type Default Description
container Panel | Window | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the button.
showLabel bool false optional When true, the button includes a "I ♥ " + DuESF.scriptName label.
Type Description
DuButton The like button created.

staticDuScriptUI.addEvent(func, timeOut){int}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 12150
Adds a function to be run periodically, which will be connected to several UI events, fired when the user interacts with the UI.
Name Type Default Description
func function The function to connect to the UI
timeOut int 3000 optional A timeOut in milliseconds which prevents the function to be run too often
Type Description
int a unique identifier to be used to remove the function later, with DuScriptUI.removeEvent.

staticDuScriptUI.addFeatureRequestButton(container, showLabel){DuButton}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 9425
Creates a button opening the feature request url.
Name Type Default Description
container Panel | Window | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the button.
showLabel bool false optional When true, the button includes a "Feature Request" label.
Type Description
DuButton The feature request button created.

staticDuScriptUI.addHelpButton(container, showLabel){DuButton}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 9457
Creates a button opening the help panel.
Name Type Default Description
container Panel | Window | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the button.
showLabel bool false optional When true, the button includes a "Help" label.
Type Description
DuButton The help button created.

staticDuScriptUI.askLanguage(callback, ui)

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 9528
Displays a prompt to select the language of the script.
Won't do nothing if the script already has a language set in the settings.
Use this method before launching the script.
Name Type Description
callback function The function to execute when the user has chosen the language.
This function should be the one which loads the script.
ui Panel | Window optional A container to display the UI. A modal Dialog is created if omitted


D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 11627
Builds all the tabs from all the tab panels

staticDuScriptUI.button(container, text, image, helpTip, addOptionsPanel, orientation, alignment, localize, ignoreUIMode, optionsWithoutButton){DuButton}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 8962
Creates a button with an optionnal icon. Must have at least an icon or a text, or both.
Name Type Default Description
container Panel | Window | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the button.
text string optional The label of the button. Default: empty string
image string | DuBInary optional The path to the icon (or a PNG as a string representation). Default: empty string
helpTip string optional The helptip. Default: empty string
addOptionsPanel bool false optional Adds a panel for options and a button to access it.
orientation bool 'row' optional The orientation of the button (icon, text, options button). Default will be changed to 'column' if there's no text.
alignment bool 'left' optional The alignment of the button content ('center', 'right' or 'left' for 'row', 'top' 'bottom', 'center' for column).
localize Boolean true optional Set to false if the text must not be translated.
ignoreUIMode Boolean false optional Will show texte even if the ui mode is set to > 1 in the script settings
optionsWithoutButton Boolean false optional Don't add an "ok" button to the options popup
Type Description
DuButton The image button created.

staticDuScriptUI.checkBox(container, text, image, helpTip, textChecked, imageChecked, orientation){DuCheckBox}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 9971
Creates a checkbox with an optionnal icon. Must have at least an icon or a text, or both.
Name Type Default Description
container Panel | Window | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the button.
text string The label of the button. Default: empty string
image string | DuBinary optional The path to the icon. Default: empty string
helpTip string '' optional The helptip. Default: empty string
textChecked string text optional The label of the button displayed when it is checked.
imageChecked string | DuBinary optional The image to show when it is checked
orientation string 'row' optional The orientation
Type Description
DuCheckBox The checkbox created.

staticDuScriptUI.checkUpdate(callback, ui, showAlert)

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 9602
Checks if the script can be updated
Name Type Description
callback function optional The function to execute when the user has clicked on the "dismiss" button.
ui Panel | Window optional A container to display the UI. A modal Dialog is created if omitted
showAlert Boolean optional Whether to show an alert if the check failed or if the version is up-to-date.

staticDuScriptUI.colorSelector(container, helpTip){DuColorSelector}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 11701
Creates a new color selector and adds it to the container
Name Type Description
container Window | Panel | Group
helpTip string optional The help tip to show on the selector
Type Description

staticDuScriptUI.editText(container, text, prefix, suffix, placeHolder, helpTip, translatable){DuEditText}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 10742
Creates a nice edittext where the edit text is shown only on click.
Name Type Default Description
container Window | Panel | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the nice edit text.
text string The initial text in the edit.
prefix string "" optional A text prefix to display.
suffix string "" optional A text suffix to display.
placeHolder string "" optional A place holder default text.
helpTip string "" optional The helpTip of this control
translatable bool true optional Whether to translate the texts of this control
Type Description
DuEditText The custom Group containing the edit text.

staticDuScriptUI.fileSelector(container, text, textField, helpTip, image, mode, orientation){DuFileSelector}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 11033
Creates a file selector with a field for the path and a browse button.
Name Type Default Description
container Window | Panel | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the panel.
text string "Browse..." optional The text to display on the button.
textField boolean true optional Whether to show the text field for the path.
helpTip string '' optional The helptip for this control.
image string | DuBinary optional The image to use as an icon; a "file" icon by default.
mode string 'open' optional The open mode, either 'open' or 'save'.
orientation string 'row' optional The orientation of the control (button+edittext).
Type Description
DuFileSelector The control.

staticDuScriptUI.folderSelector(container, text, textField, helpTip, orientation){DuFolderSelector}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 10935
Creates a folder selector with a field for the path and a browse button
Name Type Default Description
container Window | Panel | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the panel.
text string "Browse..." optional The text to display on the button.
textField boolean true optional Whether to show the text field for the path.
helpTip string '' optional The helptip for this control.
orientation string 'row' optional The orientation of the control (button+edittext).
Type Description
DuFolderSelector The control.


D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 11355
Creates a layout to add forms to a UI, using ScriptUI groups.
You can easily add controls/fields to this form using DuScriptUI.addField
Name Type Description
container Window | Panel | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the form.
Type Description
Form The custom Group containing the form.


D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 10343
Gets the corners of the screen the closest to (or containing) the location
Name Type Description
location Array.<int> The coordinates
Type Description
Object The screen object with a top, left, right and bottom property., orientation){Group}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 9835
Adds a group in a container, using DuScriptUI default alignments, and DuScriptUI.defaultSpacing. Margins are set to 0.
Name Type Description
container Panel | Window | Group Where to create the group
orientation string optional The orientation to use. One of "column", "row" or "stack". By default, "column" if added in a row, "row" if added in a column.
Type Description
Group The group created

staticDuScriptUI.layout(item, force)

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 9780
Resets the layout of the whole ui containing a scriptUI item.
Name Type Description
item ScriptUI The ScriptUI element which needs to be resized
force Boolean optional Needs to be true if you need to layout before DuESF.state is DuESF.State.RUNTIME.
That should be the case only for the main UI; Note that you should not need it anyway, DuScriptUI.showUI does that for you.

staticDuScriptUI.mainPanel(container, scriptName, contentAlignment, borderless){DuPanel}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 7871
Creates the main panel for a script
Name Type Default Description
container Panel | null The container ('this' in the root of the calling script), either a Panel (when launched from the 'Window' menu) or null (when launched from 'file/scripts/run...')
scriptName string DuESF.scriptName optional A name for this UI
contentAlignment Array.<string> DuScriptUI.defaultColumnAlignment optional The alignment of the content in the panel
borderless string false optional When true, creates a borderless window if container is not a panel
Type Description
DuPanel The panel created, either a ScriptUI Panel or a ScriptUI Window.
var ui = DuScriptUI.mainPanel(this,"Test Script");
var refreshButton = ui.content.add('button',undefined,"Refresh");
refreshButton.onClick = function() { ui.refreshUI( new File($.fileName) ); }; //reloads the current script

staticDuScriptUI.moveInsideScreen(location, size){Array.<int>}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 10321
Moves the coordinates so that the size completely fits inside an existing screen
Name Type Description
location Array.<int> The coordinates [top, left]
size Dimension The rectangle size, an object which has two properties: width and height
Type Description
Array.<int> the new location

staticDuScriptUI.multiButton(container, text, image, helpTip, ignoreUIMode){DuSelector}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 11793
Creates a multi button popup
Name Type Default Description
container Window | Panel | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the multi button.
text string optional The text.
image string | DuBInary optional The path to the icon (or a PNG as a string representation). Default: empty string
helpTip string optional The help tip to show on the multi button
ignoreUIMode Boolean false optional Will show texte even if the ui mode is set to > 1 in the script settings
Type Description
DuSelector - The multiButton

staticDuScriptUI.popUp(title, alignment, modal){DuPopup}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 8016
Creates a borderless popup
Name Type Default Description
title string The title of the popup
alignment Array.<string> [ "fill", "top" ] optional The alignement of this window
modal boolean false optional Set the popup to a modal dialog
Type Description
DuPopup The popup, a ScriptUI Window which is borderless, with a 'tieTo(control)' method.
var popup = DuScriptUI.popUp( );
var popupButton = DuScriptUI.button( myUI, "My Buttton for the popup" );
popup.tieTo( popupButton ); // will show the popup when the button is clicked, just above it.


D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 12164
Removes a function previously added with DuScriptUI.addEvent.
Name Type Description
id int The id of the function

staticDuScriptUI.scriptPanel(container, addSettingsButton, addHelpButton, scriptFile){DuScriptPanel}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 8348
Creates the main panel of a script
Name Type Default Description
container Panel | null The container ('this' in the root of the calling script), either a Panel (when launched from the 'Window' menu) or null (when launched from 'file/scripts/run...')
addSettingsButton bool true optional Whether to create a button to open the settings or not
addHelpButton bool false optional Whether to create a button to open the help panel or not
scriptFile File optional The main script file, needed for the refresh button in debug mode
Type Description
DuScriptPanel The panel created, either a ScriptUI Panel or a ScriptUI Window.
var ui = DuScriptUI.mainPanel(this,"Test Script");
var refreshButton = ui.content.add('button',undefined,"Refresh");
refreshButton.onClick = function() { ui.refreshUI( new File($.fileName) ); }; //reloads the current script

staticDuScriptUI.selector(container, helpTip){DuSelector}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 10456
Creates a drop down selector, using image buttons
Name Type Description
container Window | Panel | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the selector.
helpTip string optional The help tip to show on the selector
Type Description
DuSelector - The selector

staticDuScriptUI.separator(container, name, checkable, drawLine, translatable){DuSeparator}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 9881
Adds separator with an optionnal name in the group
Name Type Default Description
container Panel | Window | Group Where to create the separator
name string optional The name displayed
checkable boolean false optional When true, adds a checkbox to the separator
drawLine boolean true optional Draws a line when there is no name. When false, the separator is an empty space
translatable boolean true optional If false, the name won't be translated
Type Description
DuSeparator The separator

staticDuScriptUI.setBackgroundColor(uiItem, color, adjusted)

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 9813
Changes the color of the background of a ScriptUI Object
Name Type Default Description
uiItem ScriptUI The ScriptUI Object
color Array The new color [R,V,B,A] Array
adjusted Boolean true optional lightens the color if the brightness setting of Ae is not set on the darkest one

staticDuScriptUI.setTextColor(text, color, adjusted)

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 9794
Changes the color of the text of a ScriptUI Object
Name Type Default Description
text ScriptUI The ScriptUI Object
color DuColor The new color
adjusted Boolean false optional lightens the color if the brightness setting of Ae is not set on the darkest one

staticDuScriptUI.showUI(ui, enterRunTime)

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 8258
Resizes and shows the main panel of a script
Name Type Default Description
ui Panel | Window The UI created by Duik.ui.createUI
enterRunTime boolean false optional Set to true to automatically set DuESF to runtime state
Set this to false if the ui shown is not the actual main panel of the script and it is shown before the main panel has been loaded.

staticDuScriptUI.slider(container, defaultValue, min, max, orientation, invertedAppearance, prefix, suffix, textAlignment, valueButtons){DuSlider}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 11185
Creates a slider.
Name Type Default Description
container Window | Panel | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the nice edit text.
defaultValue int 0 optional The initial value.
min int 0 optional The minimal value.
max int 100 optional The maximal value.
orientation string 'column' optional Either 'row' or 'column'
invertedAppearance boolean optional Revert the slider with max value on the left
prefix string optional A text prefix to display.
suffix string optional A text suffix to display.
textAlignment string 'center' optional The alignment of the text.
One of 'left', 'center', 'right' for column orientation,
And 'top', 'center', 'bottom' for row orientation.
valueButtons Array.<int> [] optional A list of predefined values to add as buttons.
  • implement helpTip
Type Description
DuSlider The custom Group containing the slider.

staticDuScriptUI.smallbutton(container, text, helpTip, value){DuButton}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 9265
Creates a small button.
Name Type Description
container Panel | Window | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the button.
text string The label of the button. Default: empty string
helpTip string optional The helptip. Default: empty string
value any optional A user value stored in the button, which is passed to the onClick method
Type Description
DuButton The image button created.

staticDuScriptUI.staticText(container, text, color, translatable, multiline){StaticText}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 10880
Creates a statictext (with an optionnal color).
Name Type Default Description
container Window | Panel | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the nice edit text.
text string The initial text in the edit.
color DuColor optional The color of the text. By default, uses a slightly darker text than the Host App text color
translatable bool true optional Set this to false to never translate this text.
multiline bool optional Set this to true to add a multiline text. Auto detected by default if the text contains the newline character.
Type Description
StaticText The ScriptUI StaticText created.

staticDuScriptUI.stringPrompt(title, defaultString){DuPopup}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 8832
Creates a popup to ask for a simple string
Name Type Description
title string The title of the popup
defaultString string The placeholder for the edit text
Type Description
DuPopup The popup, with an onAccept( str ) callback.

staticDuScriptUI.tabPanel(container, tabOrientation){DuTabPanel}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 11495
Creates a panel with tabs
Name Type Description
container Window | Panel | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the panel.
tabOrientation string The orientation to use for tab buttons.
Type Description
DuTabPanel The panel.


D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 12097
Creates a toolbar with a lighter background
Name Type Description
container Panel | Window | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the toolbar.
Type Description
Group The toolbar, a ScriptUI Group

staticDuScriptUI.versionButton(container, image){DuButton}

D:/DEV_SRC/RxOT/DuPSF/tools/output/DuPSF.jsxinc, line 9362
Creates a button displaying the version of the script and redirecting to the about url.
Name Type Default Description
container Panel | Window | Group The ScriptUI Object which will contain and display the button.
image string | DuBinary DuESF.scriptIcon optional The path to the icon or a png binstring. Default: empty string
Type Description
DuButton The version button created.